Monday, February 14, 2011

aiiyyyaak... bukit broga!!!

alhamdulillah... selamat pg selamat pulang....

akhirnyer berjaya menjejakkn kaki ke broga... walaupun sy x dpt betul2 berada at the top...
perjalanan bermula at 4.30am... kami ke ampang, menuju rumah kawan2... skali diorgxsiap lg... sabau jer lar... tunggu till 5am++ gak r... after dat ktorg strght to cheras hghway..... xsusah kot... carik jln ke semenyih n strght smpai nmpak nottingham university... dh nmpak NU tu terus jer lar ikut sign Broga...

smpai around 6am... pastu tunggu lg 1 group dtg... around 6.40am bru start climb up... evrythng going smoothly at the beginning... but at d middle, rase mcm nk collapse lak... crius!!! xley jln... vomiting, bellyache.. xtau naper... may effected dr gastric or migrain or sbb xcukup tdo.. sbb i can't forced myself to workhard in dark... nnt mesti effect skit kt mata, terus ke kepala... terus satu bdn x sehat...

dh lepas 3x muntah, then sy smpai ker 1st check point... kt dgn buaian s.muzafar ...kt  situ sy take a deep rest... bosan kt satu, i ask my fren to keep moving on to the 2nd stage... we made it!! after dat ingat nk g stage 3... but kwn nie gayat... so, xper lar.. may b nxt time i will make it... d rest 5 of my fren,made it to the top of broga hill... congrate to them... :))

nie nk share few pix ngan u guys...

feel it by ur own!!

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